Seeing this, would be like leaving the refrigerator door open for my Dog!
Perfect example of product hype, lives in this film as the doors open!
Video uploaded by U Tube user VIDEOTUBE369
Walmart Black Friday Fighting Over Phones During 2012, Steve Jobs you Sir are a genius!
Some comments on Black Friday:
Black Friday sure looks fun...

Worst than an Asian fish market
If I was in that crowd I would get clausterfobic and die
Click Mute, and Imagine all the Zombie movies you've seen....
American Traditions got to love em!!!
Can someone please tell me where the economy is lacking? Surely not in America so stop BSn everyone and get your damn ass out there and get a damn JOB!!!!!!
Video uploaded by U Tube user ForyourInfoM
"Black Friday"
In Los Angeles, the LAPD deployed dozens of extra officers around the city on Friday, reports the Los Angeles Times.
Everyone is there the young and the supposedly mature. Because if you can't get a bargain on a gadget in the next few hours, what are you?
Bridget Jewel told The Pioneer Press: “Last year we experienced a large influx of youth, more than we had anticipated. We don't want it to turn into a place for people to come and hang out."
JC Penney store at 1:30 a.m. in Kentwood, Michigan, reports WOOD-TV. Police had to use pepper spray to stop the angry shoppers.
Philadelphia Walmart, a fight broke out in the electronics section as buyers fought over $200 television sets.
In Covington, Washington, a couple were reportedly run down by a drunk driver in the parking lot of a Walmart on Thursday night.
Early this morning in Georgia, shoppers nearly rioted near a display of cell phones.
Great tune for when the Black Friday Army of Shoppers come, ah might need tanks next year. Nah, just more sales!
When Black Friday comes, I'll stand down by the door and catch the grey men when they dive from the fourteenth floor. Gonna strike all the big red words from my little black book.
Video uploaded by U Tube user russha717