They’re ice-skating in Holland right now. There aren't many things I miss about Holland, except for cold winter weather. I like getting up in the dark and biking through snow. I like that because I don’t have to do that anymore; it’s all nostalgia. I was quite an awful skater, if memory serves me right, but the mood on the village’s ice track (which was a farmer’s field flooded for the occasion) was always good.
Sledding in Feraya |
No skating (on natural ice) in Lebanon, but we do get the sledding part. I used to have a wooden sled with iron runners. The design hasn't changed much except it is plastic now. She still used that same red sled we bought her brother when he was five. It's been through hard times, and even survived a suicide run with him and cousin O.
It’s amazing how my daughter nags at the snow when she has to ski, but doesn't cringe when she’s got snow in her boots, pants, neck, gloves, coat and hair when she’s sledding.